Saturday 29 February 2020

How To Create A Gmail Account And Organize The Contact List

How To Create A Gmail Account And Organize The Contact List

There are various reasons which might lead you to creating a Gmail account. Maybe, one of the significant explanation is getting a charge out of correspondence with individuals all through the world, be it your customers, representatives, friends or family members easily. Gmail allows you to send and receive not just messages in text but also audios, videos and PDFs files which altogether makes its use reliable and worthy. Compared to all other email service providers like Yahoo and Hotmail, Gmail provides quite a good mailbox storage capacity. But to enjoy the service of Gmail, you first need to get yourself signed up i.e. create an account with Google Mail.

The process of creating a account is not time consuming and simple if you have a sound internet connection.  You can either use your PC, laptop or your smartphone for creating a Gmail account. In this article, you will learn about creating a Gmail account as well as adding up contacts in Gmail. Here it goes.

How To Create A Gmail Account And Organize The Contact List

Opening a Gmail account

Begin the process by heading ahead with the Gmail home page. For the same, enter simply the URL or in the browser address bar. This will take you to the home page where you will come across the sign-in box. It is in this box where a person who is already an email holder types in his or her email id and password to continue access with the Gmail account. Since you are a new user, you will have to click on the option “Create Account”. This will help you with the registration process.

Here is a brief on the process of creating a new Gmail account

Carefully enter all the requisite basic information
Choose the username and password
Link your existing email or phone number to this new mail account to reset password in case you forget the same
Proceed by agreeing to the terms and conditions. Here you will have to first enter the Captcha and then proceed.
Now as and when required, you can easily go ahead with Gmail login. Gmail account comes with numerous perks which you will find enticing. With your Gmail account creation, you enjoy using Google News and Google + for expanding your contacts.

Organizing the Gmail contact list

Well now, have you given heed to that contact list of yours? It is properly labeled? Often people don’t pay heed in organizing their Gmail contact list properly. What about resolving this mess and syncing your Gmail contact list? Here are some ways adhering to which you can give a fresh and organized touch to the contact list.

Creation of groups
Goggle allows you the option of properly organizing the contacts already there in your email account. According to Google+ circles, these contacts are generally arranged in a proper manner. If you want to invest minimum efforts, then simply separate all your contacts by creating groups. This means get all the mail ids of your clients in a separate group, that of friends in another one and so on. This makes sending specific message to the desired members easy and convenient. Again if you want to send a particular message to all members of your family or clients, you can select that particular group and it will be sent to all. This reduces your effort of selecting the mail ids one by one.

Merging duplicates
You might have created two contacts with different names or your friends or clients to have done something similar. This leads to the chances of duplication of the contacts which is an annoyance. Gmail lets you the benefit of searching for such contacts and helps in merging some of the entries seeming related. For the same, you will have to visit the “More” option and then select “Find & Merge Duplicate Contacts” option.

Auto Save settings
You might be aware that your contacts are saved automatically despite of you not doing the same. If you are out of the required time to add contacts in Gmail, this step is something useful. But at times, it leads to frustration and discrepancies related to your contact list. For avoiding any issues with the same, go ahead clicking on the Gear icon at the upper right hand corner. Then click on Settings->General and then on the create contacts for auto complete, Select on the radio option against the option “I will add the contacts myself”. Save the changes and you are done.

Importing and exporting contacts
If you have contacts already on LinkedIn and so on, then it is essential that you go ahead adding them to your Google contact list. It is all about organizing the professional contacts in a proper manner in your Google mail account. Go ahead logging in with the LinkedIn account and select Network-Contacts and then settings option. Here from you will be able to synchronize the contact list and add them to your Gmail account.

Final words

Following these above mentioned processes, you can easily organize your Gmail contact list regularly.

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